Blog Post


  • By silviub
  • 03 Apr, 2014
Skill: Running and HSPU METCON Partner WOD Partner A runs one 400M Sprint Partner B does AMRAP Goblet Squats until A gets back. Switch and repeat. (score is reps of Goblet Squats) (Each person only runs once and Squats once)…
Running and HSPU
Partner WOD
Partner A runs one 400M Sprint
Partner B does AMRAP Goblet Squats until A gets back.
Switch and repeat. (score is reps of Goblet Squats) (Each person only runs once and Squats once)
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Pull Ups from until A returns.
Switch and repeat.
Again, each person only runs once and Pulls once. Each Pull Up = 1 pt
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Double Unders
Switch and repeat. 10 Double Unders= 1 pt, round down.
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Burpees
Switch and repeat.
5 burpees= 1 pt
If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continue until 26 minute cap.
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