Blog Post


  • By Sil Bona
  • 29 Jan, 2018

Find Your Why

The importance of why we do what we do is often overlooked in our busy lives. We get to the gym, hit a workout and call it a day and check off our fitness goals. But why do we even bother putting our bodies through pain and suffering? When new people come into the gym, I often ask them this question and very seldom do I get a real answer. Mostly it's something like, I want  to feel better, I want to lose some weight but those are all superficial things that don't say much about their why. Having a true powerful why for what you do is essential in your consistency and success. You see, if you're having a bad day, losing weight is simply not a strong enough why. If you want to lose weight to be able to keep up with your kids, have a better sex life, feel more confident, get off blood pressure medication and feel like yourself again that is much better then just losing a few pounds. Ask yourself WHY 5 times while coming up with our ultimate why and you'll be surprised how deep you can go. Here's my why. I want to be healthy, fit and look good to help other people. I believe that if I'm not practicing what I preach I won't be able to effectively help others. Head knowledge only goes so far and if I'm not living the lifestyle, if I'm not suffering through a workout and if I"m not training one day's I don't feel like training, then I can't expect others to do the same time. I can't empathize with you if I don't make time to focus on my training when life gets in the way, when the kids are sick etc... So you are all my WHY and you're a powerful one. 

This doesn't mean that you don't do it for yourself. At the end of the day, you're what really matters because if you're not well, you can't care for those around you. But take some time and think of why you're choosing to do what you do. Maybe it's to enjoy retirement, or maybe you're learning to love yourself more. Most people who don't take care of themselves struggle with this fact. They care so much for others around them, but lack in the loving themselves department. Maybe they feel like they're not worth it. I have news for you; we're all worth it, so get up, find your why and crush it. 

For more info on the topic, read "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek

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