Blog Post

Working Through Your Vacation

  • By silviub
  • 09 Jul, 2013
Vacation WOD’s I’ve had people ask about numerous vacation workouts in the past and have given them several sources online to use.  However, I have found that if people are given too many choices, they are often overwhelmed and can…

Vacation WOD’s

I’ve had people ask about numerous vacation workouts in the past and have given them several sources online to use.  However, I have found that if people are given too many choices, they are often overwhelmed and can easily give up the pursuit.  Below are a few workouts that are categorized in three areas: Gyms in hotels, Hotel Rooms, and Outdoor space.  The workouts are challenging, but require little to no equipment.
I am a huge advocate for enjoying your vacation and relaxing as rest is crucial to our performance.  Having said that, I also believe that if we take too many days off, our bodies get stiff, and we feel a lot more tired, tight, and sluggish. So if you’re planning on being away, there really are no excuses. Try and rest, relax but do not take more than 2-3 days in a row off.  Your body will thank you.

Hotel Gym WODs

1. For Time:
100 DB Squat Cleans Thrusters #35/20
2. AMRAP in 15min of:
5 Turkish Get-ups Left arm #35
5 DB OHS Left arm #35
5 Turkish Get-ups Right Arm #35
5 DB OHS Right arm #35
3. For Time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sets of sit-ups and a 100 meter sprint between each set
4. 5 Rounds for time of:
400m sprint
25 Burpee deadlift 75db/45db
5. For time:
100 alternating db snatch #70/50

Hotel Room WODs

1. For Time:
100-Mountain Climbers 50-Situp 25 Pushup 50 Mountain Climbers 25 Push Ups 50-Situp 100-MC
2. For Time:
100 Burpees
3. For Time:
50 unbroken Air Squats, 4 rounds
Rest for 2 minutes between rounds
4. Test yourself on a max set of Push Ups…tight body chest to the floor…full extension!
If you cannot, do your Push Ups from the knees. After that do 100 Air Squats for time.
5. For time:
10 Rounds of:
20 Sit Ups
15 Push Ups
10 Burpees

Outdoor WODs

1. Run 1mile, and perform 20 lunges EMON (Every Min on the Min)
2. 3 Rounds For Time:
100’ Bear crawl
10 Summer Saults
100m sprint
3. 10x 100m sprint
  • Rest 2min between each sprint
4. 5 Rounds For Time of:
75 Double Unders
25 lunges
5. Run 5k
  • EMON odd perform 5 Squats
  • EMON even perform 5 Burpees
And after all your hard work, don’t forget to have a beer for me.
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